Membership Info

Benefits of a PFGA Membership

The Prairie Fruit Growers Association is a voluntary non-profit organization representing Manitoba and Saskatchewan fruit crop growers since 1974. The Association is represented by seven elected member directors and three advisors; one each from Manitoba Agriculture, Assiniboine Community College, and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

Plant Order Discount

We provide bulk plant buying power of high quality strawberry, raspberry, saskatoon and haskap stock to lower costs to members.

Marketing / Advertising

PFGA Website – The website ( displays all member farms and is very busy with customer accessing info on which farms are open and what fruits they have to sell.

Social Media – PFGA is on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. Throughout the year posts are made using farmers posts to promote the industry. 

PFGA Display Promotions – Our professional display is used at Ag in the City, food markets, fairs, conferences and many other public events promoting our industry.

Recipe Card Handouts – Farmers are given recipe handouts that they can handout on their farm. These recipe handouts are also handed out with our display.

During the picking season, many different forms of advertising are used through PFGA: The Local Fare Magazine, radio, newspaper, and online advertising.

Public Awareness

PFGA creates public awareness of the industry by providing press releases to urban and rural newspapers. Our promotional goal is to direct customers to your farm. Active members of AG in the Classroom.

Grower Education

PFGA hosts events for the members throughout the year on the latest fruit production and marketing information. The PFGA continues to work with On-Farm Food Safety Programs and Environmental Farm Plan programs to ensure that the public values locally grown fruit not only for taste but as safe food products.

A Voice to Government

PFGA provides a united voice to government, working in liaison with government officials to improve profitability and sustainability of our industry. Federal and provincial governments consult with and seek input from the PFGA on new legislation and programs that may impact on the industry.

Media Contact

We are the main contact for news media for fruit related issues and events, the media look to the PFGA for grower contacts for various stories.


We actively work together with Assiniboine Community College and Manitoba Agriculture on their research trials. Fruit Crop Research = Increased Farm Profitability

Fruit Industry Contacts

We bring together growers, food industry reps, marketers, and suppliers. We keep you up to date on industry news, conferences, research advances and promotional info. We are members of the North American Strawberry Growers Association, Keystone Agricultural Producers, Canadian Horticulture Council and Minnesota Fruit and Veg Growers Assoc.

Membership Classifications

Full Membership Privileges

Full members are entitled to vote at the annual meeting, elect directors, order plants through the Association and may participate in advertising campaigns (brochures, website, etc.). Full members receive PFGA newsletter.

Associate Membership Privileges

Associate memberships are restricted to businesses and other grower associations. Fruit industry suppliers and other businesses receive a free insert per year in the newsletter (with directors approval) if requested, providing members with useful product information.

PFGA Mission Statement

To educate members, access quality planting stock, direct research and develop markets.

Code of Practice

Members of the PFGA are expected to:

  1. Produce high quality nutritious food,
  2. Serve customers with courtesy and integrity,
  3. Adhere to production and food safety requirements of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Health Canada.

If interested in becoming a member, call us at 204-324-5058 or complete the membership signup form.